Helderberg Village | Facilities and Clubs | Lifestyle | Music society


  • <p>Music Society</p> - 0
  • <p>Music Society</p> - 1

The Helderberg Village Music Society has as its main activity the arranging of concerts once per month, on Sunday afternoon (normally the first Sunday of the month). The aim is to cover a range of music from serious classical to light classical and popular music. Artists who appear include instrumental duos and trios, soloists, pianists, solo and group singers etc. Usually two of the concerts take the form of DVD presentations of symphony concerts, opera extracts, ballets etc., using very good audiovisual equipment.
The concerts are held in the Talani terrace, which has very good acoustics. The DVD showings are in the Kilberry entertainment centre.
Contact Details
The Club Secretary
Email: clubhouse@helderbergvillage.org.za
Tel no: 021 855 8333